
Innovation Timeline 1900-2015

之前我因教授一門「創新產業分析學分班」的課程,要求學員對於每個產業的發展歷程都要製作ㄧ個 Timeline (發展歷程表),才能對於該項產業的過去、現在、未來,擁有清晰的分析視野和預測未來的基準,因而對於各式各樣的 Timeline 都變得很有興趣研究與了解。

當我正興致勃勃地想要對「創新」本身來製作一份 Timeline 時,發現有位名為 Richard Watson 的未來趨勢顧問,已經繪製出了一個名為 Innovation Timeline 1900-2015 的圖表,把這一百多年來人類發展文明歷程中的重大創新,標示了出來,雖然圖表很簡單,但很值得讓我們回顧並前瞻各式各樣世界上所發生的創新。有興趣的朋友,可以下載這個 PDF 檔,也可以看看 Richard Watson 曾經發表的文獻.....

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Pixar 的創新之道 ?

本周五將應實踐大學企業創業與創新管理研究所的蔡所長邀請,出席一場有關「開放式創新 Open Innovation」的研討會擔任與談人,因此我特別在這幾天仔細地觀察網路上是否有關於開放式創新的趨勢或著作。

其中,我非常喜愛的麥肯錫季刊(McKinsey Quarterly) 有篇名為 The Next Step In Open Innovation 的文章,本來滿懷希望,不過看來看去卻覺得該文可能是針對創新的入門者所寫,沒甚麼特別的新發現,因而有點失望。

不過在閱讀文章過程中,我挖出了 McKinsey Quarterly 之前訪問過 Pixar 公司Brad Birdy 這位曾經創作過玩具總動員、蟲蟲危機等膾炙人口的 3D 動畫電影的天王製作人,暢談 Pixar 公司的創新之路是怎麼走過來的,還有他是如何從 Steve Jobs 身上學到如何帶領團隊、激發創新的技巧,很值得對於研究「創新」有興趣的朋友們一讀 ! 看來我這禮拜五的研討會,應該也會有很多心得可以和現場朋友們分享了....

Lesson Two: Perfect is the Enemy of Innovation

The Quarterly: What sorts of things did you do differently?

Brad Bird: I had to shake the purist out of them—essentially frighten them into realizing I was ready to use quick and dirty “cheats” to get something on screen… I’d say, “Look, I don’t have to do the water through a computer simulation program… I’m perfectly content to film a splash in a swimming pool and just composite the water in.” I never did film the pool splash [but] talking this way helped everyone understand that we didn’t have to make something that would work from every angle. Not all shots are created equal. Certain shots need to be perfect, others need to be very good, and there are some that only need to be good enough to not break the spell.
Lesson Three: Look for Intensity

The Quarterly: Do angry people—malcontents, in your words—make for better innovation?
Brad Bird: Involved people make for better innovation… Involved people can be quiet, loud, or anything in-between—what they have in common is a restless, probing nature: “I want to get to the problem. There’s something I want to do.” If you had thermal glasses, you could see heat coming off them.

Lesson Four: Innovation Doesn’t happen in a Vacuum
The Quarterly: How do you build and lead a team?
Brad Bird: I got everybody in a room. This was different from what the previous guy had done; he had reviewed the work in private, generated notes, and sent them to the person… I said, “Look, this is a young team. As individual animators, we all have different strengths and weaknesses, but if we can interconnect all our strengths, we are collectively the greatest animator on earth. So I want you guys to speak up and drop your drawers. We’re going to look at your scenes in front of everybody. Everyone will get humiliated and encouraged together…
Lesson Five: High Morale Makes Creativity CheapThe Quarterly: It sounds like you spend a fair amount of time thinking about the morale of your teams.

Brad Bird: In my experience, the thing that has the most significant impact on a movie’s budget—but never shows up in a budget—is morale. [what’s true for a movie is true for a startup!] If you have low morale, for every $1 you spend, you get about 25 cents of value. If you have high morale, for every $1 you spend, you get about $3 of value. Companies should pay much more attention to morale.
Lesson Six: Dont Try To “Protect your success”The Quarterly: Engagement, morale—what else is critical for stimulating innovative thinking?

Brad Bird: The first step in achieving the impossible is believing that the impossible can be achieved. … “You don’t play it safe—you do something that scares you, that’s at the edge of your capabilities, where you might fail. That’s what gets you up in the morning.”
Lesson Six: Steve Jobs Says ‘Interaction = Innovation’The Quarterly: What does Pixar do to stimulate a creative culture?

Brad Bird: If you walk around downstairs in the animation area, you’ll see that it is unhinged. People are allowed to create whatever front to their office they want. One guy might build a front that’s like a Western town. Someone else might do something that looks like Hawaii…John [Lasseter] believes that if you have a loose, free kind of atmosphere, it helps creativity.
Then there’s our building. Steve Jobs basically designed this building. In the center, he created this big atrium area, which seems initially like a waste of space. The reason he did it was that everybody goes off and works in their individual areas. People who work on software code are here, people who animate are there, and people who do designs are over there. Steve put the mailboxes, the meetings rooms, the cafeteria, and, most insidiously and brilliantly, the bathrooms in the center—which initially drove us crazy—so that you run into everybody during the course of a day. [Jobs] realized that when people run into each other, when they make eye contact, things happen. So he made it impossible for you not to run into the rest of the company.
Lesson Seven: Encourage Inter-disciplinary LearningThe Quarterly: Is there anything else you’d highlight that contributes to creativity around here?

Web 2.0 與開放式創新文章被國家實驗研究院引用

原本只是想充實育成中心的網站內容,把自己之前發表在管理雜誌的文章「以Web 2.0 建構企業開放式創新策略」一文貼在網站上,沒想到最近幾場研討會以及課程邀約,有不少是因為這篇文章而來,回響超乎我的預期。

日前,一如平時在 google 上搜尋資料,發現自己的這篇文章也被國家實驗研究院科技政策資料中心引用,作者還延伸並且補充了很多資料,可惜這篇文章的作者並沒有署名,不然我實在很想聯繫他,交流一些意見。看著自己的作品被重要的科技政策研究機構引用,還加以延伸閱讀,實在是一件很開心的事情 !! 手邊還有一篇有關創新管理的文章正在斷斷續續地撰寫中,看來現在終於有動力要加把勁趕快完成發表囉 !!對於這篇延伸的文章有興趣的朋友,可以到國家實驗研究院科技政策資料中心的網站看看,在網站上也有很多產業分析的報告,應該會讓你不虛此行.....

■ 創新策略與創新雷達圖
中國文化大學創新育成中心執行長廖肇弘在一篇標題為『以Web 2.0 建構企業開放式創新策略』中,討論產品生命週期、創新策略與創新雷達圖關聯,內容多有啟示[1],本文進一步討論相關主題。
產品生命週期(Product Life Cycle)也可稱為S曲線(S-Curve),見文【BCG矩陣的時間因子與產品生命週期曲線】討論。S曲線橫軸為時間,縱軸為產品普及率或銷售量,根據S曲線劃分,每種產品生命週期包括起步期(Introduction Stage)、成長期(Growth Stage)、成熟期(Maturity Stage)與衰退期(Decline Stage)等。
圖一為修正自廖肇弘之產品生命週期與創新策略關係圖。包括: 起步期偏重在營運模式(Business Model Innovation)與技術創新(Technological Innovation)、 成長期進行新產品與服務創新(Product /Service Innovation), 成熟期進行組織創新(Organization Innovation) 衰退期進行流程創新(Process Innovation)。需要說明,不同產品生命週期使用之策略,並非一成不變且唯一,而是在各階段所強調重點不同。
創新雷達圖(Innovation Radar),如圖二所示,是美國西北大學Kellogg管理學院(http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/)Mohanbir Sawhney教授[2]所提出之創新指標觀測模型,包括顧客(Who, Customer)、產品與服務(What, Offering)、流程(How, Process)與通路(Where, Presence)等四大構面,共計12個指標。企業可依創新雷達檢視本身與競爭企業在創新上的優劣勢,並進行標竿比較。
創新雷達圖12項指標,包括:Offering(產品/服務)、Platform(平台)、Solutions(解決方案)、Customers(顧客)、Customer Experience(顧客體驗)、Value Capture(價值獲取)、Process(流程)、Organization(組織)、Supply Chain(供應鏈)、Presence(呈現)、Networking(網路)、Brand(品牌)。
舉例來說,『流程』即是『重新定義企業運行的核心流程,以提升效率及效果的創新』,範例包括『Toyota汽車的Just-In-Time 和看板系統等概念,使其成為全球汽車業領導者』。再例如『解決方案』即是『為了解決某一產業或特定顧客的問題,而提供完整的或量身訂製的產品/服務組合』,範例為『IBM 為企業客戶提出了E-Business的完整解決方案,為IBM成功轉型的關鍵』。[1]
若將創新策略與創新雷達圖結合後,就可獲得如圖三之示意圖。圖三有多層含意,包括:創新策略與創新雷達使用,需針對不同產品生命週期階段設計;其二,創新策略是一組合指標(Indicator Portfolio),創新雷達各指標均是綜合指標之基底(Basis);其三,企業應針對不同產品線建立自己創新雷達,形成創新監視器(Monitor)或計分板(Dashboard),並進行其他企業(包括其他產業企業)標竿學習。(1112字;圖3)
關鍵字:創新衡量指標;創新雷達圖(Innovation Radar);創新策略;產品生命週期(Product Life Cycle);創新指標
(科技產業資訊室-- David 編撰,2008/08/05)
廖肇弘 (2007)。以Web 2.0 建構企業開放式創新策略。中國文化大學創新育成中心。上網日期:2008年5月2日,取自:http://incubator.sce.pccu.edu.tw/frontpage/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=P1-17&Rcg=100055
Mohanbir Sawhney (2006) et al,The 12 Different Ways for Companies to Innovate,Management of Technology and Innovation, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 75-81, Spring 2006。

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軟性電子與軟性顯示器(Flexible OLED)技術及應用專輯 太陽光電/ 太陽電池 (Solar Cells) 技術與市場 專輯 智慧型機器人產業及技術專輯

圖二、創新雷達圖(Innovation Radar)




回來後參觀了文堯的Blog,發現文堯對科技很有興趣,沒有甚麼架子也很好相處,而且聽說他是因為我的好同學 -- 阿寶哥 (http://www.aboco.com/) 的推薦,才發函通知我前往該論壇擔任與談人。

另外,我看他也從阿寶哥那裏學來不少 e 化人脈的經營技巧,在24小時之內,發 email 給活動來賓並且建立 MSN 的方法,還真引起了我進一步認識他的興趣。看來我還真的要找個時間好好謝謝阿寶哥,也讓我因此有機會多認識一位優秀的好朋友 !!

何文堯的部落格 : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/peterho3668



前陣子,為了幫小朋友準備英文演講比賽的稿子,特地重新讀了一次「愛迪生傳」。原本自認為已經很了解這位誕生在美國的發明大王,沒想到這次重新閱讀愛迪生傳,加上網路上可以搜尋到的豐富歷史影音資料,讓我驚覺自己的學識有多麼淺薄,也更讓我對 Thomas Edison 由衷欽佩與肅然起敬。

現在我們一直在討論「創新 Innovation」的議題,但真正用畢生精力來實踐創新工作者,實非愛迪生莫屬。在他 84 年的人生歲月裡,幾乎無時不刻不在想著發明與創新。根據 Wikipedia 上的資料,他大概擁有 1,084 件以上的發明專利,還有好幾十件的新型專利,其中最經典的發明包括有 : 白熾燈、留聲機、電影...等,都可以在專利說明書上看到當時最原始的設計圖和文字。可以說,愛迪生的發明開啟了美國第二次工業革命成為世界強國的序幕。這些珍貴的歷史資料,實在是教育小朋友們的珍貴教材

記得我在演講稿中,提到愛迪生的ㄧ句名言 : 「Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.」(天才是 1% 的靈感加上 99% 的努力),實在是曠世巨著的至理名言啊 !! 不管懂不懂,我特地要小朋友背到滾瓜爛熟,希望在他未來的人生裡,不只是為了應付這一次的演講比賽,而能真正學到愛迪生勤奮不懈的精神.....

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